Social Studies Faculty

Joni Clemmer
6th Grade Social Studies and French Teacher
After spending time in France as an "au pair," I developed a love of the French language and culture. I enjoy sharing my love of French and Social Studies with students. Learning both language and Social Studies helps students open their minds to other cultures and mindsets. Both areas of study lead students to become greater and more compassionate "global citizens." Understanding and celebrating other cultures and languages opens the door for future adventures and opportunities.
B.A. Political Science, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
B.Ed. French Immersion - University of Alberta, Campus St. Jean
Began my career in education: 1997
Began at ASMS: 2017

Lydia Caprarella
6th and 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
“Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization” - Mahatma Gandhi.
As a social studies teacher, I revel in opening students’ minds to the diversity of the human experience throughout time and around the world. Arming students with historic facts, increased empathy, and a research-based skill set focused on analysis and substantiation, I hope to prepare them for the expectations of the greater global community to which they belong. Getting to be a part of students’ journey through their “middle years” is so very exciting, unpredictable, LOUD, full of fits and starts and leaps, heartwarming, educational, and (for all of these reasons) extraordinarily rewarding!
BA Political Science and Secondary Education (St. Bonaventure University)
MA American Politics (The Catholic University of America)
Began my career in education: 1999
Began at ASMS: 2022

Jack Donnelly
8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
I decided to enter the teaching profession because I wanted to make a difference in students' lives to prepare them for their academic and non-academic lives. I take pride in my students' learning experiences and promote diversity and equality in the classroom. History allows me to give students the opportunity to interpret an event and relate it back to their opinions and experiences.
B.A. Adolescent Education (Elmira College)
M.S.Ed. (Elmira College)
Began my career in education: 2019
Began at ASMS: 2019