Course Directory
Our challenging standards-based curriculum emphasizes the development of essential skills, the understanding of important concepts, and the ability to apply learning to real-world problems.
Our curriculum includes courses of study for all students in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, music, visual arts, physical education, and health. In addition, students take grade-specific trimester courses in technology, research, and study skills which are designed to support their integrated learning experience.
Grade 6
World Languages
Spanish classes are designed to promote language proficiency through creativity and play. The goal is for students to be exposed to large amounts of comprehensible Spanish so they can train their ears and increase their language processing speed. Language is made comprehensible by using high-frequency structures and key vocabulary in a story-based manner. In addition to acquiring a second language, students begin to recognize the cultural connection between language usage and identity. They learn that proficiency in a second language can enable them to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Spanish 6
In sixth grade, all material is presented in the present tense. The year’s vocabulary progresses from a mixture of high-frequency structures and targeted terms and phrases that emerge from themed stories and storytelling activities. Students are asked to retell, write summaries, and answer questions about the teacher-created stories and those that have been co-created during class. By the end of the year, students will have heard the question words in context during each class, be able to answer spontaneous questions and engage in basic conversations. They are working towards unique expression and will begin to write creative descriptions and short stories using the target language.
Resources: Spanish Stories by Elizabeth Gossett. Somos 1, Martina Bex. Berto y sus Buenas Ideas, Blaine Ray. TPRS in a Year! Ben Slavic. PQA in a Wink, Susan Gross. New Mini-Stories for “Look, I Can Talk!”, Blaine Ray.